p/s: Since this menu is a hit..I'm going to offer a special price for this muffin.. InsyaAllah will be announce in the near future..
Sunday, 20 March 2011
..triple choco muffin..
Ordered by Maz (she's the one who ordered my cake bites before) for buah tangan to bring back to PIL this weekend. Thank you larling for endless supporting. Appreciate it a lot. 32pcs triple choco muffin this time.
p/s: Since this menu is a hit..I'm going to offer a special price for this muffin.. InsyaAllah will be announce in the near future..
p/s: Since this menu is a hit..I'm going to offer a special price for this muffin.. InsyaAllah will be announce in the near future..

Wednesday, 16 March 2011
..16pcs Fondant Choco Moist Cuppies..
Ordered by Ana from SK Jambu Rias again..for her wedding hantaran. 16 fondant choco moist cuppies. She personally request color purple and green and the wording. Ada dia bg contoh pic. Eventhough the weather is not on my side..somehow the fondant turns out to be lembap a bit. Tapi Alhamdulillah, she still likes it. And lets hope the cake survive through the journey to her hometown in Jengka.
p/s: Fondant choco moist cuppies starts from RM4.00 each..and for a set of 16pcs is RM60.00. Interested? Hey email me.. you might get a special price from me.. ;) BTW, I'm still a beginner.. jadi sila bagi tunjuk ajar kalau ada yang terkurang.. your opinion is much appreciated..:)
Lega dapat pelanggan tak cerewet macam Ana. Dia kata..akak buatlah bunga apa pun.. tapi saya nak wording macam pic tuh... Alhamdulillah..Owh sekarang dia dah Puan..since her wedding was on last Sunday.. Tahniah Ana..semoga kekal bahagia hingga ke anak cucu.. Aminn..

Tuesday, 15 March 2011
..Vanilla Muffin..
Ordered by Ana from SK Jambu Rias, Karak for her wedding hantaran. She ordered 12 vanilla muffins.
Ada cerita bila buat muffin ni. All this while I've baking this muffin hundreds of them.. It turn out well. Tetiba malam nak buat muffin nih, the result didn't came out well. Merekah la.. keluar dari liner la.. Ya Allah..Tuhan jerlah yang tahu. I've tried 3 batches of bater, and it turn out bad. The taste takder effect. But rupa? Sangatlah tak cantik.
Alhamdulillah..after 15 eggs..3 stick of butter..I finally get it right by using another recipe. Thank god..:)
p/s: Vanila muffin starts from RM1.00. This muffin since it meant for hantaran..I've made it using solo cup. ;)
Ada cerita bila buat muffin ni. All this while I've baking this muffin hundreds of them.. It turn out well. Tetiba malam nak buat muffin nih, the result didn't came out well. Merekah la.. keluar dari liner la.. Ya Allah..Tuhan jerlah yang tahu. I've tried 3 batches of bater, and it turn out bad. The taste takder effect. But rupa? Sangatlah tak cantik.
Alhamdulillah..after 15 eggs..3 stick of butter..I finally get it right by using another recipe. Thank god..:)
p/s: Vanila muffin starts from RM1.00. This muffin since it meant for hantaran..I've made it using solo cup. ;)

Saturday, 12 March 2011
..triple choco muffin..
16pcs Triple Choco Muffin ordered by my neighbour to bring to her daughter in ILP, Kuantan.
Terima kasih kak kerana terus menyokong saya. Appreciate it a lot.
p/s: Triple Choco Muffin set is selling for RM20. And RM1.20/pc.
Terima kasih kak kerana terus menyokong saya. Appreciate it a lot.
p/s: Triple Choco Muffin set is selling for RM20. And RM1.20/pc.

Friday, 11 March 2011
..choco cake bites..
I've made 100pcs of cake ball for makan-makan session. Ordered by a good fren of mine, Maz. She lives in KL but occasionally come back to Kuantan, since her Parents in law stayed there.
She wanted something different. And fun! So I came out with this idea and she loves it. She smsed me that her in laws loved the bites..especially the kids and were finished in no time. And she said it was not that sweet. Thank you larling. It was my pleasure..
p/s: choco cake ball is a mix of choco cake+strawberry jam+cooking chocolate+1000 sugar beads+ chocolate rice. RM0.40/pc.
She wanted something different. And fun! So I came out with this idea and she loves it. She smsed me that her in laws loved the bites..especially the kids and were finished in no time. And she said it was not that sweet. Thank you larling. It was my pleasure..
p/s: choco cake ball is a mix of choco cake+strawberry jam+cooking chocolate+1000 sugar beads+ chocolate rice. RM0.40/pc.
cake bites

Tuesday, 8 March 2011
..choco moist cuppies..
Received an order from Zalia's fren. Zalia is actually my neighbours niece. And somehow word travels that I bake cakes for occasion. 50pcs for wedding door gifts.
Terima kasih yer Zalia kerana bercerita tentang akak kat kawan.. Thank you so much..
p/s: Choco moist cuppies per pc is RM1.00 in paper liner with box.

Saturday, 5 March 2011
..triple choco muffin..
Ordered by my neighbour, for her daughter in ILP, Kuantan.
p/s: Triple choco muffin is a chocolate muffin made with a combination of Tudor choco powder and Tudor Cooking chocolate. Sprinkles with 3 types of chips; the chocolate chip, strawberry chip and white chocolate chip. Price starts from RM1.20/pcs. Price may vary according to the size.
p/s: Triple choco muffin is a chocolate muffin made with a combination of Tudor choco powder and Tudor Cooking chocolate. Sprinkles with 3 types of chips; the chocolate chip, strawberry chip and white chocolate chip. Price starts from RM1.20/pcs. Price may vary according to the size.

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